A Deeper Word

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Do You Love Jesus More?

We must love Jesus more than anyone or anything. The more we love Him, the less we will love sin and the things of the world- or as the Bible calls it: the lust of other things. Inversely, the more we love sin or the world, the less we love Jesus. We can’t serve or love two masters.

How can we tell where our hearts truly lie? We can determine it by what we spend our time on. Do we spend more time doing what Jesus wants or what we want? Do we think and talk more about ourselves than we do about the things of God? As we purposely lose sight of our own wants and desires, we will set our hearts on God and we will focus on Jesus more. You see, it’s simple really- the more room we make in our hearts for Jesus, the less room there will be for other things.

Let me be clear; there’s nothing wrong with having nice things or enjoying things we like to do, UNLESS we put them before God or allow them to crowd God out of our lives. What we are passionate about we will pursue.

  • Do we want to watch TV more than we want to study God’s Word or pray?

  • Would we prefer to do something else instead of going to church?

  • Do we want to help someone in need , or is it too much of an inconvenience for us?

The more we obey and follow Jesus, the more we will want to. The more we pursue the Lord, the more we will want of Him. It is simply a matter of taking the first step in the right direction to pursue the right thing.

Desires are fine if they lead us closer to Jesus. However, any desire that leads us away from Him needs to be adjusted, or abandoned outright.

We are to love Jesus more, and everything else less. As John the Baptist said, we must decrease and He must increase. The more we follow and obey Jesus, the greater our love for Him will grow.

It is important to remember that we cannot do this on our own or in our own strength. we must ask the Lord for help, and God will give us the strength and desire to do it. But ultimately, God has left the choice up to us. I would encourage you to choose the higher life: Jesus. You will never regret a life lived in passionate pursuit of the King Of Kings and the Lord Of Lords.