A Deeper Word

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Our Finest Hour

Have you listened to the news lately?  Or looked at the headlines?  For some people, the world’s situation is becoming more and more frightening.  Worldwide unrest.  Natural disasters almost daily.  Dreadful diseases. Danger and violence everywhere.  You can’t miss it- unless you’ve been living under a rock.

Exciting isn’t it?  No, I’m not insane; I’m just a Christian who understands the times in which she is living.  If you are a born-again Christian and you have your finger on the pulse of Bible prophecy and end times, you know what I mean.  We are in a place that saints before us, both Old and New Testament, would have loved to be in.  We are living in what some call the “last of the last days.”  If you are not sure what I am talking about, take a quick peak at Matthew 24, and you’ll see what I mean.

I believe we are entering our finest hour.  For the church, it is time to rise up as one and be the bride that God has called us to be.  Light shines brightest in darkness, so the darker this world seems, the brighter we can shine for Jesus.  Things are wrapping up and there is not much time to bring in the great end-time harvest.  We must get serious.

Yes, these are perilous times.  Yes, there are challenges ahead.  Yes, we will be called to take an unpopular stand.  We may be ridiculed (even more than we already are).  We may be persecuted (actually Jesus said we would).  We might even be called to lay everything on the line for our faith (yes, everything).  But the unthinkable- to deny Jesus, to cast aside the One who died for us- is not an option.  The souls of untold multitudes hang in the balance.  Will you be bold and do what the great commission has told you to do?  Will you go into all the world?  Will you share Jesus?

This is not the time to be faint-hearted.  The church of the last days is a powerful, mighty warrior.  She knows who her God is, and she walks in authority and victory.  She kicks in the gates of hell and takes it by force.  She is arising now, even as you are reading this.  No longer are doctrinal differences and petty, small-minded arguments stopping her.  The unity of God’s people is strengthening day by day.  She is a terror to the enemy.  Will you arise with her?  Will you be bold and courageous?  Will you stand and not back down?

This truly is our finest hour.  We are up to the challenge.  The bride of Jesus Christ is a fearsome thing to the devil.  We are victorious.  We cannot lose!  I read the end of the Book, and guess what- we win!