Today is the Day
Today is the day that you are going to see God work in a new and miraculous way in your life. The Lord has told me to proclaim this over you, dear reader, in today's post.
There is a mighty move of God coming upon the earth, and He is drawing people even now. If you have sensed God pulling you closer to Him, then by all means, draw in closer to Him. He is seeking those who will put Him first and will press into the glory of His presence. Pray. Worship. Immerse yourself in the scriptures.
As you get closer than ever to the Lord, you will have a greater sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. His boldness will come upon you, and you will have new courage to reach out to people with the love of the Father. And you will receive more revelation as to who the Lord is and what He wants to do in your life.
Prayer in the Holy Spirit (praying in tongues) is key to this end-time anointing that is coming upon God's people. If your times of praying in tongues has been sporadic or maybe close to non-existent, now is the time to pick it up. Cerain things can only be accomplished by the power that comes from praying in the Holy Spirit. If you want to see the manifested glory of God, if you want to be used by God to bring His glory to others, dedicated times of praying in tongues is required. God has secret words we need to speak in order to release the massive level of glory for the great final harvest of souls- and it is released by praying in your heavenly prayer language.
God is poised to release His glory into the earth, and into your life, today. As you pray in the Spirit today, you will be healed of chronic pain. If you have had sinus problems, I believe God is healing them today. God will also release healing for migraine headaches today as you pray in tongues. Whatever your need, the healing touch of Jesus is waiting to be relased to you by the utterance of your supernatural prayer language.
If you have not received the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the supernatural evidence of being able to speak in tongues, you just need to ask the Lord to give it to you. It is received in the same way that you got saved: by believing in your heart and by speaking out loud to receive it.
You can use this sample prayer if you aren't sure what to pray:
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I am a born-again child of God, and you said that if one of Your children asks for the Holy Spirit, that You, as our good Father would give Him to us. So, today, I ask that you fill me to overflowing with the Holy Spirit and give me my own supernatural prayer language. I receive it now, and I thank you for it. Amen.
After praying that prayer, you may not feel anything different in your body, but you are now filled with the Holy Spirit. Open your mouth and allow your tongue to loosen up and begin to speak out the syllables that you begin to form with your tongue. It's not some freaky, involuntary thing where God takes over your tongue; it is a partnership with you deciding to speak and God giving you the syllables. Praying in the Holy Spirit will strengthen you (Ephesians 3:16).
Praying in the Spirit is one of the keys to ushering in the great end-time harvest. Today is the day to increase your prayer time, or to receive your heavenly prayer language for the first time. Praying in the Spirit releases God's power, and the world needs His power today more than ever before. Heed His call and draw closer by praying in the Holy Ghost.