A Deeper Word

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Finding Joy in Job

No matter what’s going on in your life, God can take it and make it better. That’s what God did for Job. Many people avoid reading the book of Job because they feel it is depressing, or because they don’t understand it. Actually, the book of Job is a book of hope, promise, and great rewards for those who trust God through all of life’s circumstances.

Job lost all of his children, his home, his livestock, and his health. His friends accused him of sinning and bringing the problem on himself, but God told him that his latter end would be better than his former days. I know we go through stuff, and it seems like things go from bad to worse: too many bills, no one to count on, sickness, fatigue, and the list goes on and on. But, I have good news- there’s an expiration date to any trouble if we stay positive and keep praising God. As we worship, God works.

When Job got bad news, he turned to the only One who could help him. No matter what went wrong for Job (and plenty did), Job made the decision to trust God. He may not have understood what was happening, but he refused to curse God in the midst of his anguish. We know from reading the book of Job that the devil was the one causing all of Job’s problems, not the Lord.

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:7 (KJV)

The Living Bible (TLB) says it like this:

And though you started with little, you would end with much.

Job had this promise from God, and so do you. My friend, it’s not over, and God always has the final word. God turned things around for Job. Don’t get stuck in the middle of your trial. Remember that God has promised that your latter end will be greatly increased. Job’s outcome was much better than his original situation.

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. Job 42:12 (NIV)

This is exactly the kind of outcome God has planned for you as well. He gives us double for our trouble. He restores and gives us more than what was stolen from us. Confess out loud everyday that your latter end shall be greater than your beginning. Don’t give up; good things are coming. God is working on your behalf.