A Deeper Word

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Up From The Grave He Arose!

As I reflect on the resurrection of Jesus, my mind keeps going to the words of an old hymn by Robert Lowry that we used to sing in church when I was a girl: Up From The Grave He Arose

Up from the grave He arose; 
with a mighty triumph o'er His foes; 
He arose a victor from the dark domain, 
and He lives forever, with his saints to reign. 
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! 

These words are so true. Jesus did not just survive hell and everything the devil threw at Him, but He arose triumphant. When the devil thought he had won, and he and his demons were having a victory party, the realms of darkness began to shake violently. The chains and shackles binding Jesus were destroyed, disintegrating before their very eyes. The unrecognizable form of a man that had been Jesus was miraculously transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the glorified Son of God. And those evil spirits began to tremble and cower, shrinking back in horror and disbelief. Then, Jesus, in His magnificent glory, came face to face with satan, and in one swift, easy motion, ripped the keys of death, hell and the grave right out of his hands. Then Jesus, in His victory, made an open display of the devil before everyone, mocking him and revealing him as the defeated loser he is. Wow, what a sight this must have been; Jesus giving the devil a beat down!

Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his! Colossians 2:15 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

When we received Jesus as our Savior, we were seated with Him, reigning in victory over the devil and every situation that comes against us. We have the victory in Jesus. His resurrection gave us eternal life, plus victory in this life right here, right now.

And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

The curse that came because of Adam’s sin and rebellion has been reversed. When we accept Jesus, we move out of the shadow of the curse into a life of blessing. Because Jesus rose, we are blessed and everything we put our hands to will prosper. No more toiling. No more curse. What a wonderful God He is! What a victorious Savior we serve!

He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!