A Deeper Word

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Attitude- Friend or Foe?

Attitude, according to dictionary.com is defined as mental outlook, approach, belief, mindset, perspective, point of view, mood, stance, position, view, concept, idea, course, method, way, disposition, posture, character… Basically, it is the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it.

So, we see that attitude is a mindset; the way we think or view something that affects our thoughts, character, behavior, etc. It is how we approach life, God, ourselves and others. It impacts our work, our play, and how we spend our time. It is a factor in the kind of relationships we have with God, our family and friends, and others.

We make our attitudes, then our attitudes make us. We alone can choose our attitudes, and no one can make us have a good or a bad one unless we let them. Our attitudes can move us forward, or slow us down and cause us to lose ground and even go backwards. Attitudes play a huge part in shaping who we are and what we are capable of doing. If you think you can’t, then you can’t. If you think you can, then you can.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 (KJV)

Our attitudes are our choice. Choices are born out of decisions made by us based on our thoughts and beliefs. When we think on good things, we can change a bad attitude into a good one. Once we think right, then we speak right and carry it out with good actions.

We might not be able to change everyone and everything in life, but we can choose our attitudes and outlook. Even when the going is hard, the way to get through something victoriously is to choose to maintain an attitude of love, joy, and peace. A right attitude will protect us, and it can be contagious- having a positive impact on those around us.

It has been said over and over again, but it is true: our attitude does determine our altitude.