A Deeper Word

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Acceptable in Thy Sight

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (KJV)

This verse is a prayer, and it should be our prayer. God is listening to the words that come out of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts, or the thoughts we are pondering. Our words and thoughts need to be acceptable to God, for He is considering our ways; how we talk, think, act. Therefore, we want our words and thoughts to please Him.

As we guard what comes into, and then out of us, we will think right, speak right, and live right. In other words, when we pay close attention to what we allow in our eyes and ears, and what we choose to think on, we will see positive results- first in us, and then in how we live.

The verse goes on to say that God is our strength, letting us know that if we try to watch our words and meditation in our own strength, we will fail over and over. Instead, when we look to God for help, He will strengthen us in our weak areas and aid us in speaking and thinking correctly. And if we think or speak wrong, God will even redeem that. He will deliver and release us from wrong thoughts and words which would ultimately lead to wrong behavior. Only God can strengthen us and help us to have words and thoughts that please Him.

This verse should serve as a reminder to avoid letting our minds wander or dwell on wrong topics, such as injustices we have endured, hurts we have experienced, or past sins that we have already repented of. Instead, it should remind us to think on the fact that God loves us, is with us, and is helping us daily to overcome. If we will set our hearts on the Lord, we will walk in the path and plan that He has for us- with no detours or wrong turns.

So, as we make Jesus the Lord of our words, mouth, meditation, and heart, they will all be acceptable in His sight.