What to Do in a Hard Place

What to Do in a Hard Place

Right now you might be in a hard place. Maybe you are dealing with a health problem, financial troubles, relationship issues, or any number of difficulties. Possibly you have been in this same situation for quite some time and you cannot imagine how things will get better. It doesn’t matter know how you got here; what happened- or didn’t happen- to bring you to this place. What matters is that God is always with us in the hard places.

Dry ground is usually hard ground. When things are hard and dry, we need to do something to change the atmosphere. As we begin to praise the Lord, God will turn our desert into a pool, our dry places into rivers. As we praise Him, it releases the rains of heaven, spiritual rain to pour down on our hard, dry situations. God’s rain softens the ground so it becomes fruitful.

He splits open boulders and brings up bubbling water. Gushing streams burst forth when he is near! Psalm 114:8 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

There’s no need to fear; God is near! God’s presence changes everything: from our mouths, to our moods to our money, to our manifestation. God’s presence is the answer to anything we face. Just praise Him and He will come to your rescue, giving you release, refreshing and resources. We may not feel like praising Him, but that is when we need to praise Him the most.

As we praise Him in the hard place, He shows up, raining blessing and favor upon us and manifesting His goodness. God will meet every need if we just keep praising Him.

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