A Deeper Word

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Anticipating The New

Have you ever felt an unexplainable sense of anticipation, as if something exciting was just about to happen? And for some reason, you’re unable to put your finger on why you feel that way? I believe it is the prompting of the Holy Spirit urging you to seek Him. He is using anticipation to draw you to seek Him for the exciting thing He wants to bring to pass.

Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near. Isaiah 55:6 (New Living Translation, NLT)

 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  Jeremiah 29:13 (New Living Translation, NLT)

God is always accessible to His children, However, there are seasons in which God pulls us towards Him. In these strategic seasons, God is prompting us to seek His face in order for us to get on board with the plan He has at that time. When we do this, we are instrumental in partnering with God to birth what is on His heart. However, if we do not seek Him, we miss an opportunity to be used by the Lord.

When you have that excited feeling in your heart, what do you do? Do you go to God? Or do you try to figure it out on your own? So many times I have mistaken this anticipation as direction to go do something. Sometimes I have gone to the internet to look for a new job. Other times I tried to find a new house. Notice it drives me to look for something “new.” But in trying to seek the new and not seek God Himself, every time I have come up with nothing- and wasted a lot of time. The anticipation of something new doesn’t always mean we have go do something to bring it to pass. That sense of something good just around the corner is so we can pray and speak it into being. God wants to manifest it through us. When we try to do it on our own, we are operating in the flesh and not in the spirit. And when we try to make something happen in the flesh, it profits nothing.

So the next time you get that feeling in your gut that something exciting is about to burst forth, don’t try to figure it out or find out what it is. Just go to God and ask what He would have you do to help bring His good plan to pass.