A Deeper Word

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Standing With The Lord

Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord! They will be the people he has chosen for his own. Psalm 33:12 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

We are living in what the Bible calls perilous times. Wrong is being called right, and right is being called wrong. Never before have we seen such a total inversion of values in this nation. And for those with Biblical values, the pressure has become greater than ever to cave to the world’s ideas. However, we were born for such a time as this. God placed us here and now to affect positive change in the world.

One of the ways we can stand with Jesus, and stand against unrighteousness and injustice, is to vote- and vote for Biblical values. When we cast our vote for a candidate, we are actually joining ourselves spiritually to that candidate and what they plan to do. If we vote for someone who supports the killing of babies in the womb, it is the same as though we are the ones doing the abortions. We become tied to that person and God views us a accomplices to the acts they condone.

And always remember that God blesses those who bless Israel, so a candidate’s stand on our relationship with Israel will release either blessing or the curse on our land.

The United States has been richly blessed by God because we have been preachers of the Word, sending people around the world to evangelize and reach out to those in need. If we lose our religious freedoms, the gospel will be limited and our ability to carry Christ to the nations will be opposed- not to mention our own ability to live by our religious convictions and practice our Christian faith.

Voting for candidates who celebrate relationships that God calls unholy means you are aligning with such practices. This serves only to weaken the fabric of a nation, which is undergirded by the Biblical concept of the family. The family is the building block of society and when it is perverted, it contaminates society.

Never before has so much been at stake. I urge you to vote your Biblical values and stand with the Lord against unrighteousness, injustice, and wickedness. As we stand with the Lord Jesus Christ, He will stand with us and return our country to its former glory.