A Deeper Word

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Who's Driving?

A few years back there was a bumper sticker that was popular among Christians that read, “God is My Co-Pilot.” The sentiment may sound good, but if God is your co-pilot, then you need to switch seats with Him!

In their hearts human beings plan their lives. But the Lord decides where their steps will take them. Proverbs 16:9 (New International Readers Version, NIRV)

One of the weaknesses of humankind is his (or her) desire to be in control. As a part of the fall of mankind, pride entered people’s hearts, which brought with it the desire to run their own lives. How difficult it can be for some individuals to surrender their lives to God and allow Him to direct their steps. Sadly, the bumper sticker I mentioned is exactly how many believers live their lives- with them running the show but allowing God to come along for the ride.

Our own human wisdom and understanding are laughable when compared to God’s, so why would we want to do our own thing? If we will crucify our flesh and allow our spirits to follow the instruction and leadership of the Holy Spirit, things would go so much better for us. Through prayer and fasting, we can bring the flesh into submission and allow the Lord to be the Pilot of our lives.

Some people think they are doing right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12 (New Century Version, NCV)

Only God can see what lies ahead and can make sure we avoid disaster. When we commit our ways to Him, He can guide us along the path of protection, peace, and prosperity. So, let’s switch seats with God and allow Him to take over. I guarantee that He will do a much better job of running our lives than we ever did!

Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly! Psalm 37:5 (The Passion Translation, TPT)