Vain Glory

Have you ever heard somebody use the term vain glory? I was talking with someone recently and they used those words and it stood out to me. As I got to thinking about vain glory, I was reminded about how temporal life is and how empty the things of the world really are.

According to, one of the definitions of the word vain is without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless. So, we could change the term vain glory to worthless glory. That really makes you think twice about the accolades we get in this life. If we are getting man’s approval and adoration from what we do but not God’s, it is vain, empty, meaningless, worthless glory. It’s like getting a crown that you thought sparkled and was so beautiful, only to find it’s plastic and fake. It is settling for a lesser reward, and it provides no eternal benefit of any kind. It is limited to the here and now.

But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless—like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere. Ecclesiastes 2:11 (New Living Translation, NLT)

I am often grieved by the casual way some people treat stardom and fame, as if it is owed to them. They sincerely believe they themselves are worthy of the praise and honor and worship that is heaped on them. Now, let me state that I have nothing against fame or fortune or being recognized for hard work and achievements. But I also know that if they don’t attribute their worth and success to the One who created them, all the glamour and glory is temporary and hollow. No matter what we do, how successful we become, or how much we achieve, it is meaningless without God.

One day, each of us will pass into eternity. For those of us who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, we cross over into a much higher realm, where Jesus is the Center of everything and we give Him all the glory and honor. And we receive His love and acceptance, being ushered into the presence of the true King of Glory Himself. What a glorious time that will be. But for those who have not received Jesus, the only glory will be the past glory they had while on the earth. And they will then see it for what it is- empty and without significance. And they will think on that for all eternity while they suffer. That is what grieves me the most.

As believers, we must keep things in proper perspective. Let’s aim to do everything for the glory of God and to honor Him when we are praised for our accomplishments. We don’t have to use some form of false humility, but let’s always be careful to give God the credit for any ability, skill or idea we may have. If we do, we can achieve great things and be rewarded both in this life and in the one to come.

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