Difficult Questions: If He knew They Would Fall, Why Did God Make Lucifer, the Angels and Man?

Difficult Questions: If He knew They Would Fall, Why Did God Make Lucifer, the Angels and Man?

From time to time, we dig into Scripture and seek answers to difficult questions from the Bible. Today, we are asking the question: “If He knew they would fall, why did God make Lucifer, the angels, and man?”

I declare from the beginning how it will end and foretell from the start what has not yet happened. I decree that my purpose will stand, and I will fulfill my every plan. Isaiah 46:10 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

God knows what will happen in the future- it does not surprise Him. So, if He knew in advance about the rebelion of satan and his angels, and the fall of Adam, why did He create them in the first place? One reason is that God is love. Because He is love, He forces no one to love Him, be with Him, and serve and live for Him. He wants to be chosen. And when we give someone a choice, there is always the risk they will choose wrong.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:19

God loves whether we love Him back or not. He gave angels, including Lucifer (now the devil), angels, and mankind a free will so they could choose to love God or to live for themselves. God is not going to allow the wrong choices made by the devil, some of the angels, and men to stop Him from being and doing what He has chosen to do. God the Creator, still creates, even though that creation may rebel and fall. For example, God isn’t going to stop making beautiful people even though some of them lust after one another. God the Creator is bigger and deeper than His creation.

Therefore, even though God knows who will and who won’t choose Him, He still gives everyone the opportunity to choose. That way they cannot accuse God of being unfair in His dealings. He wants us to choose Him so we can fellowship together, but allows each person to choose. He is extremely just.

Because He knew in advance that man’s choice would be the wrong one, He already had a plan to save mankind- Jesus. The plan is a good one, yet people still may choose to accept it and go to heaven or reject it and go to hell. God knew it and it did not stop Him from doing what He had decided to do. He ultimately leaves the choice up to every individual regarding what they will choose to do- serve satan or serve God.

Yes, God knew in advance about the fall of the devil, some of the angels and mankind. His desire to have a family to love and who would love Him back is why He went ahead and created us all anyway. He knew that at the end of it all, He would have that family, and every trace of sin would be erased by the blood of Jesus.

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