A Deeper Word

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From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord’s name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3 (NKJV)

I find that my days go best when they are treated like the books between two bookends. One bookend is the beginning of the day the other bookend is the end of the day. I start the day and end the day the same way- by talking to the Lord.

Before my feet hit the floor, the first thing I do is greet my heavenly Father. I tell Him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that I love them. I thank them for the day ahead. I commit my day to the Lord. I tell Him that I say yes to whatever He has written for me in His book of destinies. I don’t use a particular prayer- I just speak from my heart. If I direct my attention to Him first thing, it sets the tone for the rest of my day. It causes me to focus my mind on Him and it launches me into communing with God throughout the day.

Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17 (NKJV)

Praying without ceasing means I keep a line of communication open with the Lord at all times. And it starts before I get out of bed. Then, at the close of the day, I talk with the Lord before I close my eyes.

I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. Psalm 3:5 (NKJV)

At the end of the day, Jim and I read a chapter in Psalms before we head to bed. Then, I personally end my day with more conversation with God before I close my eyes. I thank Him for the day, and tell Him again that I love Him. I give Him any cares that I’ve picked up during the day and I tell Him that He holds my every breath, my every heartbeat in His hands. I entrust my wellbeing to Him while I sleep, speaking the blood of Jesus over myself and Jim. I know that I can rest well because He never sleeps and He is always watching over me with tender care.

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

I acknowledge that beginning and ending the day with God does not guarantee that no problems will arise during the day. However, because my mind is stayed on Him, I am in a better state of mind to address anything that comes up. Bookends- what a great way to live- by starting and ending your day with God.