10:10 on 10-10 (Repost)

This is a post that was originally published on October 10, 2021. Now, three years later, God has brought it back to my remembrance. While I thought it was meant for October 10, 2021, it has even more significance this year. So, let’s look at it again and see it as it applies to 10-10-24. It is a powerful word.

Today is 10-10-21. Ordinarily, this may not mean much. It actually didn’t mean much to me either until last night. Last night, as I noticed today’s date, it hit me like a lightning bolt that it aligns with John 10:10. It was so strong, that it was almost like the Lord was shaking me to get me to see it. You see, the Lord has been bringing 10:10 to my attention for the past several months. I would see it on clocks and in other places. I assumed that God was reminding me that He has given me abundant life. However, last night it all became so clear to me and I pray I can tell it to you clearly enough that you will see the importance of this date.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 (NKJV)

As I was considering today’s date, it suddenly became so evident that we are actually living John 10:10 as a nation. The verse has two contrasting parts. The first part is about the thief, which we normally see to be the devil. This is still true- he is the thief, but his followers are also thieves. And, what does a thief do? Just as the verse says, a thief steals. And what have we had stolen from us as a people? In November we had the right to choose our leader stolen from us. Satan’s followers stole it. And ever since then they have been working to also kill and destroy.

These thieves have killed millions and millions of babies in the womb- and now they’re killing them once they’ve been born as well. They’ve slaughtered the innocent and blood is on their hands. And what’s become more and more clear is the fact that they really want to kill us all. And if you don’t believe it, then you are being willfully ignorant of what is right in front of your face. As they steal and kill, their ultimate goal is to destroy this nation. To do it, they have to silence the church and others who would stand against their assault.

We’ve been seeing the first part of John 10:10 right in front of our eyes. But, now we are about to see the second half of the verse: ”I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Ponder just the first three words of that statement for a moment: “I have come.” I believe that something of significance will happen today, on 10-10 that will show us that God has come on the scene and He is bringing justice to the situation. I am not a prophet, and I have never claimed to be one, but God will sometimes speak to those of us who do not operate in the office of the prophet and show us things. I sense very strongly in my spirit the connection between today’s date and the second half of this verse. God is moving and the results are going to be glorious. Wrongs will be righted and justice will be served. Righteousness will prevail and instead of stealing, killing, and destruction, we will have abundant, overflowing life. I believe we are about to see the greatest turn-around in the history of our country- and it will impact the entire world for the better.

I don’t know what event will take place today. I don’t even know if we will see it or hear aboutf it. We may find out later that God did something important behind the scenes today. I just believe in my heart that God is taking action today- big action. The thieves are about to be dealt a serious blow, and their days of stealing, killing, and destroying are ending. Pray like you’ve never prayed before for our rightful leader, for the military, and for all those whom God is using in this hour. 10-10 will be a day to remember.

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow! John 10:10 (The Passion Translation, TPT).

The Way Maker

The Way Maker

God's Protective Presence

God's Protective Presence