A Deeper Word

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matthew 6:9 (KJV)

The Father’s name is to be hallowed. Hallowed is the Greek word hagiazo, meaning honored, kept holy, respected, set apart, revered, not made common. We must respect and keep God’s name holy. We must honor and love the Father’s name in how we think, talk, and walk. We must hold the name and reputation of God with utmost sincerity, passion, and obedience.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Exodus 20:7 (KJV)

This tells us not to take God’s name in vain. The word vain means ruin, guile, uselessness, falsely, deceit, deception, falsehood, malice, emptiness, worthless. Taking God’s name in vain is to not use it in a biblical sense, but to use it in a useless, worthless, empty way; to use it falsely in deceit or with malice. In all we say and do, we must honor God’s name. There is to be no irreverent use of His name, like using it in slang talk. Using His name in vain is to use it in cursing or profanity, to use it for the purpose of lying and deceiving, or to use it in any way that downplays the holiness of His name.

We are to honor God’s name by the way we pray, praise, and speak of God. His name is to be used in a holy manner, not in a profane way. Devout Jews will not even speak the name of God because they consider it so holy that they should not say it. God will bring everyone into account for their lives and how we did or did not honor His name.

Let’s be mindful to use God’s name correctly. God’s names reveal His character, ability, and His willingness to help us. Let’s avoid hurting ourselves by failing to use God’s name in the proper context and with the proper attitude. God’s name is to be kept hallowed, holy, honored, revered, worshipped, loved, and adored. If we truly love the Lord, we love His name and wish to honor it. God is holy, and His name is holy. When we honor God’s name, we honor our Father which art in heaven.

Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. Malachi 3:16 (New International Version, NIV)