A Deeper Word

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Partake of the Lamb

He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. Psalm 105:37 (KJV)

I want to zero in on the word feeble in this verse. This is speaking of the Exodus when the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage. This says that there was not one feeble person among them when they came out. What exactly does that mean, and what does it have to do with us today?

According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the word feeble in Hebrew is kashal, and it means to totter or waver through weakness of the legs, especially the ankle. It implies faltering, stumbling, fainting. It means to be weak, sickly. In other words, this verse is telling us that when the nation of Israel left Egypt, there was not one person among them who was weak or sickly. They came out strong and healthy; well able to travel. How did this happen? After all, being slaves, there certainly were people among them who had worked hard or who were abused by the slave masters and suffered with injuries, sickness, or had just plain worn out their bodies. So, what happened to change this?

During the Passover, when the firstborn sons of Egypt were being killed, the Israelites who had put the blood of a lamb around their door frames were being healed. Any Israelite who had suffered with a physical ailment was made whole as they ate the meat of the lamb they had slaughtered. They applied the blood and they partook of the lamb, and it brought healing to them. God simultaneously judged the Egyptians and restored the Israelites.

It is amazing to consider an entire nation, young and old, walking out of Egypt perfectly well. They were healed and strengthened by God to receive the promise- the promise of the land of Canaan. When God delivered them, He gave them what they needed to prosper outside the land of Egypt: health and wealth (Exodus 12:35-36).

Today, God is delivering us out of the hand of the slave masters, the world’s elite, who have held us in bondage for many centuries. It is an exodus that will cause the one out of Egypt to pale in comparison, because this one involves the deliverance of not just one nation, but all nations of the earth. In the same fashion, God is delivering us in good health and with plenty of wealth.

Soon, there will come a time when the evildoers are being destroyed. It will seem dark, and it will be fearsome to the enemies of God. As they are being judged, those of us who are on the Lord’s side will experience restoration of our health and our finances. As we apply the blood of Jesus, the Lamb, to our lives, and partake of the Lamb, we are protected from harm and healed. To partake of the Lamb, we receive Him as our Savior and Lord, trusting in Him for everything we need- including health and provision. To apply the blood, we simply decree and declare the blood of Jesus over ourselves and our households. As we appropriate the blood of Jesus and partake of the salvation of Jesus, we are saved, delivered, healed, and blessed abundantly. And, taking communion during this time will bring to our remembrance how God delivers and blesses those who follow Him.

So, as you see a dark time of silence come upon the earth, trust God to totally heal you and set you up financially. God is doing this so we are all ready and able to take the land for Him in the end-time harvest: the last Great Awakening. Believe God now that there will not be one feeble person among us in the body of Christ. The greater Exodus is upon us, and healing, deliverance, and prosperity is ours as we apply the blood and partake of the Lamb.