The Beauty of Sharing
Freely ye have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8 (KJV)
God’s Word was meant to be shared. His anointing was meant to be released. The things of God that we receive are given to us to share with others. God gives to us so we can pass it on. We are to be conduits of His glory.
We’ve all known people who spent a lot of time in the Bible and in studies about the Bible and in gathering great knowledge about the Lord. And then they do nothing with it. It sits inside them, and like water that does not move, it gets stagnant and stale. There are some who spend time in the Lord’s presence, but do not take His presence to people who need a touch from God. When God imparts to us, He expects us to impart to others. He pours into us so what He has given can be poured out on those around us.
To receive revelation and insight from God and keep it to yourself is like someone who goes out and buys a tuxedo or a formal gown, then gets their hair professionally styled and adds beautiful accessories. They spend a lot of time getting ready and dressing in their expensive finery - only to sit home on the sofa and watch reruns on TV. To take what you’ve been given from God and not sharing it is like being all dressed up with nowhere to go. In other words, it’s of little benefit when others cannot enjoy and appreciate it.
As you study and get illumination on a verse or passage, find a way to share with other believers. Your new understanding of the Word may help them in their walk. And what they’ve learned may help you. And, as you spend time with God, take His presence to others and release the anointing that destroys yokes and removes burdens. What we have been freely given, we must freely give. That’s why God gives it to us in the first place.