Refuse To Fear

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. II Timothy 1:7 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

There is a solar eclipse that will be taking place across North America on April 8, just a few days away. The media is full of warnings and fearmongering about the event. Many are recommending that we stock up on food, water, and other essential supplies. There is no natural explanation for these warnings since we’ve experienced other solar eclipses before with no ill effects- one in 2017, for example.

There is much already published online about the spiritual significance of this particular eclipse and the fact that it indicates impending judgment upon the wicked in this nation. Therefore, I am not going to elaborate on that aspect of it. I recommend that you search online for a teaching done by Troy Brewer on Daystar Television about the coming eclipse, and its ties to Jonah and Nineveh. It’s well-done and very revealing.

I’ve been talking for some time about catastrophic events that will be taking place on the earth and that the child of God need not walk in fear about these things. This nation’s leadership, entertainment industry, media, and corporations have become so corrupt that there is no real way to clean everything up except for God to do it Himself. This eclipse is pointing to that.

Will the Lord’s judgment fall on the very day of the eclipse or will it come days, weeks, or months later? We do not know. But, we do know that the believer has not been given a spirit of fear. Read the verse at the top of this post again. Instead, we have the Spirit of God that works in our spirits to give us all we need mentally and emotionally to get through anything and everything with a sense of calm and security. We must refuse to fear. We do not have to cave to the devil’s attempts to scare us. We can ride out the coming storm in peace, knowing God is taking care of us.

Go back and read Exodus where the plagues of judgment that came upon the Egyptians did not affect the children of Israel who were living in the land of Goshen. When Egypt suffered plague after plague, the people in Goshen were not impacted at all. The same is true for us. We are born-again and living in Jesus, which gives us protection from the coming events that will terrify the rest of the nation and the world.

That being said, God expects us to use wisdom. This means that we should go out and get some non-perishable food items, bottled water, batteries, and other things we might need if the power goes out for a few weeks. Have some cash on hand. And we must listen to the Holy Spirit. He will warn us about any danger, possibly telling us not to travel on certain days or go to certain places. Heed His warnings, even if they don’t seem to make sense. As His children, God will take care of us and keep us from harm as He cleans out the wickedness and evil in this nation and the world. When the devil tries to bring fear about these things, rebuke him and quote II Timothy 1:7.

When everything around you seems to be shaking, rest in the Lord and know He’s got you. And remember, you do NOT have a spirit of fear. Reject every fearful thought, and refuse to fear. Once this brief time is over, we will enter a magnificent period of the Lord’s glory filling the earth.

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