Expect The Unexpected

What a surprise it would be to peel a banana and find salami inside. It’s not something anyone has ever seen before, and it isn’t what we expect. Likewise, God is a God of surprises. He likes to do things we can’t predict or see coming.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 (KJV)

Although I am not usually a fan of paraphrase versions of the Bible, I like the way the Message renders this verse.

“I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.” God’s Decree. “For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Isaiah 55:9 (The Message, MSG)

God will give us insight into His thoughts and He will show us hidden things through revelation and prophecy, but He is still a God of mystery and of unexpected actions. We can’t hope to predict God, and we never will be able to do so. That’s what makes Him God. He thinks, plans, and operates on a level all by Himself. Because of this, He is always doing something never done before and never even thought of.

Before Noah, had anyone ever seen water fall from the sky in drops of rain? No.

Before Moses came along, did anyone ever expect a large body of water like the Red Sea to physically divide into two parts and create a dry road down its middle? No.

Before Elijah, had anyone called fire down from the skies to shame the prophets of a false god? No.

Before Gideon, had anyone defeated a massive army with just 300 men? No.

Before Daniel, had any person spent the night locked up with ferocious, hungry lions and live to tell about it? No.

Before Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, had anyone survived the intense heat of a furnace meant to burn you to a crisp? No.

Before Jesus, did anyone expect water to change into wine, a few loaves and fishes to feed thousands, men to walk upon the waves, or someone dead four days to be raised from the dead? No.

God has always thought differently than mankind and has always done things that could never be anticipated. A man taken to heaven in a fiery chariot, oil that kept multiplying and flowing, barren women becoming mothers, and a virgin giving birth… God specializes in the off-beat and unusual. His actions are often unprecedented and brand new. The same is true today.

If you believe that the miraculous actions of God have somehow stopped, think again. Anyone alive today will soon witness some of the most miraculous and amazing acts of God ever. He is liberating us from the bondage of this world system, and it will happen in ways we have never seen and could never predict. Get in the Bible and look at the amazing feats of our God. You’ll see that He pulls off the most mind-blowing things when circumstances seem to be at their worst.

Right now, the world is very dark and getting darker. God, who loves us and has promised to bring us a time when the knowledge of His glory covers the earth like the waters cover the seas, will not disappoint us. His rescue operation is underway, and He’s going to use totally unorthodox methods. Get ready for liberation. Expect God to move and move big. Expect the unexpected!

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