Lessons From My Coffee Cup

Lessons From My Coffee Cup

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8 (NKJV)

As I sit here at my computer, I have a nice cup of coffee sitting here. Coffee is one thing in which I take great pleasure. I enjoy coffee, not for any caffeine value, but just for the taste of it. Today, while sipping my coffee and contemplating life in the Lord, I saw some parallels between my cup of coffee and the Christian life.

Coffee, especially nice, strong dark roasted coffee, has a bitterness to it. Some people dislike it so they add cream or sweeteners, or flavored syrups and creamers. Not me. I like it black. Let me taste the bitter richness of the coffee itself. Life can be like that. There are moments that seem bitter. Losses come, challenges, and hard times too. Difficulties have a bitter taste to them. While they aren’t pleasant overall, we can appreciate some things that come from difficulties. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t welcome difficulties, but I can find some benefit in them. When we persevere through them in faith, they build us up and we become stronger for it. In the midst of hardship, we can learn hard lessons about ourselves and others. Bitter times can provide some benefits, but let’s not become bitter because of them.

A good cup of coffee is piping hot. Only a sip is needed at the first because gulping something that hot would be injurious to us. We have to ease into a cup of coffee, sipping until it cools just a little bit. We have to approach some aspects of life this way too. We must check with the Holy Spirit when something is presented to us. We can’t rush in without His direction and possibly injure ourselves. If we are being pressured to do something in a hurry without time to consult the Lord, it is usually not of God. Holy Spirit leadership in every endeavor is crucial- or we could get burned.

Also, as believers, we must stay hot in our passion for the things of God. We are not to cool down in our love for the Lord. An on-fire Christian will burn brightly for Him.

This day belongs to the Lord! Let's celebrate and be glad today. Psalm 118:24 (Contemporary English Version, CEV)

A cup of coffee is not something to rush through. Instead, it is to be savored. This is also true of life. So often, we try to hurry our way through things and we miss the beauty of the individual moments that make up each day. When we appreciate each moment, we appreciate God because He has given us this day to enjoy. Sip your life with appreciation- don’t chug it.

There are many object lessons we can use to enrich our lives and our relationship with our Father. An object lesson is when we take a physical object and find Biblical truths in it, like I did today with my cup of coffee. As you go through your day, find some things that reveal spiritual truths to you. It will really enhance your walk with the Lord.

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