A Deeper Word

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Cling To What is Good

 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 (NKJV)

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; Romans 12:9-10 (NKJV)

People will do what they will do-plain and simple. People choose good or evil actions. We can’t make people do the right things and we can’t make them do the wrong things.

When we see a lot of evil and sin going on, we must remember that it won’t last. Good always overcomes evil. God always overcomes the devil. God, Who is good, is stronger than the devil. No matter how much he tries, the enemy will never have the final say or the ultimate victory. Good always comes out the winner, and light always triumphs over darkness.

We must choose who we will live for. Choosing God is to choose good over evil. With God on our side, we know to choose the good and we can choose good actions to make good changes come to pass. As we yield to Holy Spirit and do what is good, we can reverse the bad. The more good we do, the more we overcome the evil that’s been done.

We can overcome evil with good, bringing healing, hope, restoration, and new beginnings. The more good we do, the more good results we will see and the more goodness prevails over evil. Choosing good over evil brings a better life for us and others. As we surrender to the goodness of God and allow it to come out through us, we will do good things. God is good and when we receive Him, He changes us inwardly so that our nature is to do good and not evil. The good God inside us begins to be released through us and evil is then overcome by His goodness flowing through us.

This post, and this concept, might seem overly simple, and actually it is. It isn’t hard to understand, but we must choose it. When we cling to what is good: God, we triumph over evil- each and every time.