A Deeper Word

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Get It Out

He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:20 (KJV)

Recently, I got a small thorn under the skin of my finger. It caused redness and pain in the tissue of my finger, along with overall tenderness. Removing the thorn and washing my finger helped, and it began to heal. I realized this physical situation reflects a spiritual principle.

Just by living life and being around people, we all get things in us like hurt, unforgiveness, envy, and rejection, which cause us pain. If we do not get those things out of us, they will fester and spread through us like an infection. What was once a hurtful incident turns to deep-rooted bitterness and offense. The Bible says that bitterness defiles us. As long as such things remain, we can’t heal.

So, get out whatever has hurt you and caused you pain. And the sooner you do it after the incident takes place, the better. Get in God’s Word and let the Sword of the Spirit, God’s scalpel, operate on you and cut out what has gotten in you. Like surgery, this can be a painful experience to go through, but if not removed, it will keep hurting, get worse, and cause long-term damage. Keep in mind that the Word that cuts is the very same Word that heals. And the Word also washes and cleanses us according to Ephesians 5:26. Cast your care and pain and every harsh thing on the Lord. He cares for you and through his Word, He will restore wholeness to your life.

We can be healed and whole again-free from pain and from all that hardens us and hinders us. Get it out and replace it with God’s Word.