A Deeper Word

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The Power of Agreement- Part 2

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 (KJV)

Yesterday we discussed the power of agreeing with other believers,. Today, we’ll cover the most important aspect of the power of agreement- agreeing with God. Jesus has finished His work. He cried out on the cross, “It is finished.” His part has been completed, and all that we now need has been provided. So, how do we see the finished works of Christ work in our lives? By believing who Jesus Christ is and believing in His finished work.

We believe God’s written Word that tells us that what Christ provided is ours. The Bible says we have all things that pertain to life and godliness. God has freely given us all things to enjoy. He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. So, when we believe God and His Word and Christ’s accomplished work of redemption, we agree with God. In agreeing with God, we talk faith, not doubt. In agreeing with God, we do the Word and not just hear it. As we hear, believe, speak, and do God’s Word, we’re agreeing with God. As we agree with God, we’ll walk with God, experiencing more of His presence, Spirit, and power manifested, demonstrated, and operating in our lives.

To not take God at His Word is to disagree with Him. This is why many of us don’t see certain things manifest in our lives. Jesus could do no mighty miracles in His hometown of Nazareth. It wasn’t that He wouldn’t, but He couldn’t. The people and their unbelief blocked the operation of God in their lives. The people did not agree with Jesus, and thus they disagreed with God.

I like to use the following sayings that God gave me:

“Agree with God and it will be.”

“When I agree with Christ’s finished work, then Christ’s finished work will work for me.”

As we agree with God, His Word, and Christ’s finished work, we will see God do great things!