We Are Mountain Rulers

Perhaps you’ve heard of the seven mountains of influence. There have been a number of Christian ministers who have received revelation and insight about it, and it is especially relevant to us today.

“Now give me this mountain region which the Lord spoke of that day. You heard that the people of Anak are still there and that they have large, fortified cities. If the Lord is with me, I can force them out, as he promised.” Joshua 14:12 (God’s Word Translation, GW)

When the children of Israel finally made it to the Promised Land and the land was being divided, Caleb had a bold request. The people of Anak were giants. In his eighties, Caleb chose to take over a mountain area of the Promised Land, and he was determined to drive out these huge heathen inhabitants of the land. And he did. We must do the same today.

The seven mountains concept identifies seven areas of society that we are expected to influence as Christians. For too long, the church has kept her influence locked up in the four walls of the church building. But God expects us as believers to be the movers and shakers. He wants us to take over, influence and control the seven mountains. The world has been heading in a downward spiral because the church has left these spheres of influence to the devil for him to control. Well, it is time for the body of Christ to rise up and take dominion over these areas.

The seven mountains are:

  1. Arts & Entertainment

  2. Business/Economy

  3. Education

  4. Family

  5. Government

  6. Media

  7. Religion

For the most part, the church has limited its activity to the mountains of religion and family. But lately the enemy has gotten a foothold in these areas too. Christians have been given gifts that would enable them to succeed and prosper in each of the seven realms, but we have looked those careers as being too secular in which to participate. However, nothing is secular if you do it as unto God. We are to take God to the seven mountains instead of waiting on the world to come to us. We are to influence rather than be influenced.

If you have a gift to sing, act, direct, paint, etc., go for it. On the mountain of Arts & Entertainment, we have allowed the twisted views of Hollywood to influence the way we live for too long. It is time for the church to turn Hollywood into Holywood. And the same holds true for the other mountains. God is looking for believers to serve in politics, in the education system, in the media, and in corporate America. When we infiltrate the enemy’s strongholds, his grip on the world is removed.

This is our time to take over. God gave us dominion. He expects us to rule and reign- now- in this world. When we are the influencers, society turns towards godly values. We can control the narrative of this nation and of the world if we will just get up and take our place on the mountains God has called us to. Do not let the ungodly continue to rule these mountains. Like Caleb, we can force the ungodly off these mountains. We can topple the forces of darkness that have been in control. So, go take your mountain!

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