A Deeper Word

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Grace Will Get Us Through

These days, grace is needed more than ever.

But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. Romans 5:20 (New Living Translation)

One thing we can be sure of- no matter how horrific sin becomes, God’s grace is always greater. Wickedness has had it’s way in the earth, but God’s justice and His grace are taking over. We have been living in some really dark times, but we are now entering into times of unprecedented grace, glory, and the goodness of God.

Grace is simply God doing what we cannot do. It is His ability working on our behalf. We are about to learn of great evil that has been taking place all around us that we either did not see or refused to see. It will pierce people’s hearts when the truth is revealed. Many will be devastated. Many will be sickened by what they learn. The depths of the wickedness and depravity that some are capable of will astound us. The shock of it may almost be too much for the nation to bear. However, when sin abounds; when people sin more and more- God’s grace abounds and becomes more and more.

The grace of God is even now undergirding this nation and bracing her for the truth that is about to be revealed. The Holy Spirit is bringing strength and resolve to many. God’s ability is working on our behalf to do what we cannot do- overcome the unveiling of the greatest evil since Adolph Hitler- and even greater than Hitler.

When the reveal takes place and the weight of the exposed evil becomes almost too great to bear, let the grace of God carry it. Trust that God has a plan and His plan is always one of redemption. Once wickedness is exposed, it can be removed. It can be a painful process, but the outcome is always worth it. Hold fast to God and know His grace is abounding, no matter how great the sin.