A Deeper Word

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America: Don't Fear His Justice

Today is August 7, 2024, and the time for great and fearful events is very, very near. Please take the following words to heart, build your faith by getting in the Word and in God’s presence, and be prepared for what is about to happen.

“Therefore, say to the people of Israel: ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment. Exodus 6:6 (New Living Translation, NLT)

I have been saying that things are going to get a bit rough and bumpy in the world. Really, that is a huge understatement. In the spirit, we can sense a great movement of justice coming. The wicked will be judged and God isn’t messing around. He has extended a long period of time to them for repentance, and many have hardened their hearts and refused to repent. God is longsuffering, but He does not allow injustice to go on forever.

His deliverance is coming, but it will be something frightening to behold. Those on the side of evil will experience terror like they have never known. But the children of God can rest assured that they will be protected. We are not to fear when they speak of nuclear war. We are not to fear when they speak of new viruses and epidemics. We are not to fear when the earth shakes and great power is released upon the earth. We are not to fear when terrorist groups create chaos and cause great damage. We are not to fear when the world experiences blackouts. We are not to fear when we lose internet and cell services and other means of communication. We are not to fear if people speak of shortages. No matter what it looks like, do not fear. God’s justice is simply being activated, and the enemies of God will desperately try to use every weapon they have in an unsuccessful last-ditch effort to retain power.

God’s power is unparalleled, and when it is released, it is something fearsome to behold. We do not have to worry that we will suffer harm because, like the children of Israel during the judgments of Egypt, we are separated from the world and will not suffer the things they do.

God is judging men and women for promoting transgenderism, for killing unborn babies, for trafficking innocent children to murder them and sacrifice their bodies to satan, for stealing positions of authority that do not belong to them, for calling “alternate sexual lifestyles” normal and good, for stealing our money, our resources, and our health, and for other forms of wickedness that are too numerous to mention. Oh, God is bringing judgment upon ALL unrighteousness. But, those who call upon the name of the Lord are saved from His judgment.

So, as things begin to look really dark- and they probably will look pretty dark for a little while- know that God has you covered and you should remain at peace. Now is a time of judgment, but the blood of Jesus protects us from all harm as we trust in Him for safety. And on the other side of this time, we will experience great joy and such a revival that has never before been seen on this earth!.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18 (New International Version, NIV)