What You Mean To Me

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3 (KJV)

“Oh my child. I love you more than you can imagine. My love for you began before you were ever born and will last though all eternity. Human love cannot compare. My love is pure and full of My goodness. I love to love you, and I love to pour out every good thing upon you that I can. The only thing can stop My love from having its intended effect is you. If you refuse to believe My love, it blocks your ability to receive My love.

You do not need to be perfect to be loved by Me. I love you because you are Mine. You are Mine in Jesus Christ, My Son. Your faith in Him makes you perfect in My sight.

I see you- every part of you. I see the things that you have done well, and the things that you have not done so well. Your shortcomings are not hidden from Me, but that does not change the fact that I love you without reservation. You are my beloved child. You are in my heart. Your name is written on the palms of My hands. You are continually on My mind. I cannot stop thinking about you. I don’t want to stop thinking about you. You bring me great joy, and I am looking forward to the time when we meet face-to-face, and I wrap My arms around you. My heart longs for that day, and it is coming soon.

You have not disappointed Me. I understand you- even more than you understand yourself. I see your struggles. I know the fight you are in. Do not lost hope or give up. I am fighting for you. Rest in Me and I will bring you through to victory. I will not leave you. I am in this for the long haul. There is nowhere you can go where I am not there to be your Help, your Protector, and your Guide. Because I love you totally, I am committed to you forever.

Look in the mirror. What do you see? I see someone so powerful, so amazing, so full of My grace, that it fills Me with excited hope for your future. Your potential is off the charts. In Me, you can do anything I call you to do. Nothing is impossible with Me. We are an unbeatable team. Great things lie ahead. Do you see them? I do. The future looks bright, and I have such great plans for you. Envision the dreams and plans I have placed in your heart coming to pass. I did not place them there to cause you disappointment. They are there, like the North Star, to guide you into all that I have for you.

Never lose heart. Never give up on Me. Never give up on yourself. I am so pleased with you. I am cheering you on every single day. I have confidence that you will fulfill your life’s assignment. I know you are wonderfully made for the tasks I have for you to complete, and you will complete your earthly mission. And once you do, we will be together forever as we spend all eternity united as One. You are the object of My love, and I will never stop loving you.”

Love, The Lord Your God

Our Hope Is In God- Part 1

Our Hope Is In God- Part 1

Give It Up to Gain

Give It Up to Gain