Free To Be Yourself

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:31-32, 36 (KJV)

I believe freedom can be instantaneous or it can be a process. Jesus sets you free and you become free as you allow Him to free you. For example, some people receive instant deliverance from bondage to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. At other times it is a process. The more truth you receive, know, and act upon, the freer you become.

There’s a place we enter into as we let Jesus set us free- a place where we’re free to be ourselves, free to be happy, laugh, and enjoy who God made us to be. It’s where we’re free to express ourselves out of love and not fear. It is a place of peace, not stress; acceptance, not rejection. It is where we are free to talk to others and enjoy each other, laughing together. We can talk to and listen to others, communicating and connecting. Freedom in Christ gives us the ability to build relationships that are real, deep, and meaningful.

There’s a freedom Jesus gives to think straight, to talk right, to live and move and have our existence in Christ. In that freedom, we are free-flowing in who God made us. The more freedom you receive, the more freely you can share with others and bring them into freedom by loving and connecting with them.

It is really true that whomever Jesus sets free is free indeed. Continue in truth. Know truth. Live truth. Truly you will be free to love, laugh, and live the way God intended.

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