Flee, Then Follow

Flee, Then Follow

Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. II Timothy 2:22 (KJV)

We are to flee lusts or desires that lead us away from the Lord. We’re to have desires for the Word, not the things of the world. If it draws us from God, we are to flee, forsake and forget it. We are to give no place to such things in our thoughts, but we are to think on good things- those pleasing to the Lord. One way to flee wrong desires is to cast down wrong thoughts and replace them with God’s Word.

God will never lead us to sin or to go down the wrong path. He will lead us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalms 23:3). As we seek Him, we will follow after the things of God such as righteousness, faith, love, etc. God always leads us to do what’s right. He makes us right with Himself in order to live right. With God, we can feel right about ourselves and have a good image of ourselves based on who God says we are in His Word. Because we know God loves us, we can have peace with God, ourselves, and others. We can believe God for good things knowing He has our best interests at heart. We can trust Him with our lives, which gives us true peace.

The enemy will come to tempt us follow the wrong path- maybe trying to make it look enticing, maybe making it appear to be an easier path to follow. Always remember that when we flee the enemy’s ways and follow hard after the things of God, we may have to do some difficult things. We may lose some friends. We may even be rejected by family members. However, following righteousness and the things of God will provide peace, love and joy- lasting rewards that the world and its lusts cannot offer. The more you reject those wrong desires, the easier it becomes to continue to reject them.

Forsake and flee the lusts and desires for worldly things and turn your focus on Jesus. He will not disappoint you.

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