Let God Carry The Load

But the Lord has paid for the freedom of his servants, and he will freely pardon those who love him. He will declare them free and innocent when they turn to hide themselves in him. Psalm 34:22 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. Psalm 34:5 (KJV)

It is important for us as believers to learn to depend more on the Lord than on ourselves. It will cause us to be less stressed, not so moody, and more self-controlled because our minds will be on Him and not on our own limited ability. This will give us more joy, and we will be free to laugh more when we find our strength in the Lord.

God can handle anything and everything if we give it to Him and rely on Him. We will have more energy, better health, and a positive attitude and outlook on life. Problems, people, or pain cannot overwhelm, debilitate, or destroy us when we allow God to handle them. Instead, we will press on in victory, full of life. We will be positive and peaceful, knowing that we can do all that God has for us that day.

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.] Philippians 4:13 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

We can calmly deal with life as it comes, hopeful and positive rather than despairing and negative. The weights and cares of the world are too heavy for us to bear ourselves, so let Him carry the load. Surely our help comes from the Lord!

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