It Takes Faith To Have Faith

It Takes Faith To Have Faith

Consider this concept for a moment: it takes faith to have faith. I know that sounds a bit confusing, or maybe even repetitive, but just track with me a minute.

Faith is not a feeling. It is a spiritual force. We cannot sense it with our physical senses or with our mind or emotions.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (New International Version, NIV)

If our faith cannot be perceived, we must choose to believe that we have it simply because the Bible says we do. That’s what I mean when I say that it takes faith to have faith. We must believe we have it even though we cannot see it or feel it. So, we have faith that we have faith.

God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith Romans 12:3b (KJV)

We put our trust, or our faith, in God’s Word that He has given each believer, including us, the same measure of His faith. And if you are using that faith on a regular basis, then that faith is being strengthened and developed. In the natural we might be ninety pound weaklings, but in the spirit we can be faith giants.

Today, as you go about your activities, know that you carry an invisible, powerful force that can bring the unseen into view. Isn’t that exciting?

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