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Christian marriage counselors and so-called experts give a lot of advice about having a successful marriage, and it is useful for those who will apply it. They talk about respect and unity and honesty and protecting against infidelity- all important topics. However, one thing I do not hear taught much is the importance of being on guard on behalf of your spouse’s heart.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24 (KJV)

When two people become united in marriage, they are joined together as one. As such, each partner must look at the other as one with themselves, standing guard against anything that would come against them- as individuals or as a unit. When someone does something that hurts my husband, they hurt me because we are one. Therefore, I stand guard over his heart to protect it and he does the same for me. We are watchful for wrong relationships or other ways the enemy can get in and cause the other person harm. I have his back and he has mine.

When we look at the armor of God listed in Ephesians 6, it is interesting to note that there is no armor or protection for the back side. One reason that has been given for this is that we are supposed to be on the offensive against the enemy and never in retreat. However, I also believe that nothing is needed on the back side because, as children of God, and especially as married couples, we are to stand back to back in the fight against the devil. When we stand in this way with our shields of faith raised, it creates a place in the middle, like a fortress, that is safe from harm. That is a picture of the protection that comes from being in unity and in watching over the spiritual, emotional, and physical wellfare of the other. Love creates a sanctuary and a safe haven. And that’s the way God intends it to be.

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The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11