Even Jesus Got Tired

Even Jesus Got Tired

Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. John 4:6 (New International Version, NIV)

Jesus ha traveled from Judea to Galilee and came to Samaria. Jesus and his disciples had done a lot of walking and He sat down to rest. We can learn a simple, but powerful lesson here. When we are tired, we need to rest.

Jesus sat on the well to rest and get water. In the natural, rest and water both refresh us. Spiritually, as we drink from God’s Word and the Spirit by reading the Bible and praying in tongues, we will find rest and refreshing. When we’re tired, we don’t need to keep pushing ourselves. The enemy tries to wear us down and wear us out.

All we have to do is come apart with God so we don’t fall apart. As we feed on God’s Word and Spirit, our inner man becomes stronger than the outside pressure. As a result, we have strength to stand so we can withstand whatever would try to wear us down. As we wait on God, He renews our strength to go on and complete the task at hand. Instead of getting weaker, we become stronger.

They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84:7 (New International Version, NIV)

When we spend time in the Word aand praying in the Spirit, we find God’s strength to help us keep moving from strength to strength. And it’s all because we learn to rest and wait on the Lord.

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