Calm, Cool, and Collected

But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2 (English Standard Version, ESV)

Just as a child is calmed and quieted being with its mother, being with the Lord quiets and calms us. It helps us to be calm and stay calm. We are able to quiet ourselves and have a meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God.

We need to rest and relax with God and before Him. After all, God isn’t stressed out over anything and we shouldn’t either. As we stay calm and quiet, we can hear God better, sense His presence, and be led by Him. We can be content, not always striving to get things. We know our heavenly Father will provide for His own. Therefore, we are not anxious, striving, or worrying about life issues, relationships, finances, our dreams, and so on for we stay close to our El Shaddai (Almighty God, all-sufficient God). El Shaddai means the breasty one, a picture of a child having all its needs met by its mother. He never runs out. He is where all our provision comes from, so we stay calm and quiet, resting in Him. We trust and rely on God for He meets all our needs.

Here is how we can calm and quiet our souls:

  • Pray

  • Stay in the Word

  • Maintain a close relationship with God

  • Speak faith, not fear

  • Give God praise

  • Receive what He has for us

  • Give thanks

  • Release all stress and care to Him and receive His rest and peace

A child is weaned from its mother, but it still depends on her in other ways. In similar fashion, God will take us through various levels of growth, but all the while we depend on Him. Like a mother who cares for her child through the stages of growth and development, God, our El Shaddai Father will care for us throughout our lifetime of spiritual growth. With God, we can be calm, cool, and collected.

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