Choose Life Over Death

Choose Life Over Death

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 (KJV)

Since the beginning of time, many have died from famine, storms, lack, murder, disease, war, abortion, genocide, accidents, and many other ways. The devil is a spirit of death. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. On the other hand, Jesus came to give us life and life more abundant.

Adam brought death into the world, but Jesus brought life and offers it to all. We must come against death by promoting life; God’s life. God is life and gives life to all who will receive that life in Jesus. Death is man’s enemy but Jesus conquered it. When we have God’s life, even if we were to die physical death, we will escape spiritual death, or eternal separation from God.

Let’s enforce God’s life on this earth, praying using God’s Word of Life, and the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Life. While we’re here, let’s love, speak, and act to give life, save life, and promote life. Let’s stand against everything that promotes death. Pray, stand up, speak out, and offer solutions to that which brings death. We really can make a difference. As God gave life to us, let’s offer God’s life to others.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 (KJV)

We can stop lot of the dying in the world. We all have a choice. Let’s choose God and life over satan and death. Let’s live out life the way God planned for mankind. Those who have Jesus have God and life. As God lives in us, we can live life the way God intended, plus we can show others the good life that God has for them.

Jesus’ sacrifice gives us life. The Word of God gives us life. The Holy Spirit gives us life. God is the God of life. The same way that God gives us life is the way we continue to walk in life. As we spend time in the Word and with the Spirit of Life, we receive new fillings of life every day. We will be filled with life and life overflowing, living out the God kind of life and sharing it with others.

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