God is Made Known- Part 2

God is Made Known- Part 2

But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3 (KJV)

This verse tells us how God is made known through praises. We began this discussion yesterday and today we’ll dig a bit deeper into it.

The word inhabitest in Hebrew means enthroned, to sit down as in judgment, to dwell, remain. It points to the Old Testament practice of sitting at the city gate to hold court. It speaks of a person who is in a position to judge and rule as king. It speaks of God dwelling among men, passing righteousn judgments.

Praises in this verse is the word tehillah, which are loud, spontaneous songs. God is made known through the loud, spontaneous praise of His people. He sits enthroned and inhabits, or abide, in our praises. This kind of praise makes the Lord known. He can’t resist this spontaneous praise because it isn’t rehearsed, and it comes from the heart. God seeks such worshipers and such praise.

If you want to know God, praise Him that way. Sing new songs, spontaneous, unrehearsed songs of praise. Make them loud, joyful, and celebrant. He will come and sit down. The more you feel His presence, experience His power, and and flow in the moving of His Spirit, the more praise will burst forth from your heart. You can’t keep quiet when God makes Himself known.

Tehillah praises are so spontaneous, with new songs coming forth and prophetic songs and spiritual songs being sung- songs given by the Holy Spirit. He gives them for us to sing in our native language and to sing in the spirit. We sing God’s Word and we hear Him singing to us. God inhabits, is enthroned, sits down in the midst of these praises.

This may then flow into a time of intimate worship; bowing down, kneeling before Him, and being still in His presence. We know, love, and experience God more and more, over and over- a continual love affair with God and God with His people. It happens through tehillah praise, the spontaneous song - where God is made known.

Real Manhood

Real Manhood

God Is Made Known- Part 1

God Is Made Known- Part 1