Sharpening Your Spouse

Sharpening Your Spouse

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (New International Version, NIV)

As mates, let’s help each other be who God intended us to be. God gave man a help, meet- or suitable- to fit him. God gave man to woman to cover her. We were made to sharpen one another. As we love, nurture, and grow together rather than apart, we can enhance each other, sharpening each other in Christlikeness, in our gifts, our callings, our abilities, our characters, and anointing.

Let’s learn to make each other better and not worse. As we work together, continually building each other up, there won’t be time to tear each other down. We are to grow together as one flesh and nothing is to separate us. We can help each other become smarter, stronger, and more spiritual. We should pray together, study the Word together, worship together, and love God together. In doing this, we sharpen one another and we become sharper together- fit individually and as a team for the Master’s use.

God puts spouses and families together not just for themselves, but for generations to come. God desires for godly seed to carry on the work of God into the future. As we walk together in love, peace, and unity, we grow stronger together rather than weaker apart, thus we create godly families and lineage. We’ll be more, see more, learn more, and become more together than we could by ourselves.

Let’s be a part of our mates’ lives, to love, give, open up, and relate with one another honestly and truthfully. As we build our relationships on God’s love, His Word, and His Spirit with our families and a community of believers, we sharpen one another more and more.

Let’s not make each other dull and unable to be used through bickering and criticizing. We are to sharpen each other, growing brighter all the time. Let’s do our part to work together, love together, and even play together. As we sharpen each other, we will be ready and prepared to do all God needs us to do. The goal is to be sharpened by one another and rooted and grounded in love.

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