Don't Let Cares Steal Your Relationship With God

Don't Let Cares Steal Your Relationship With God

And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19 (KJV)

Through God’s Word, we know God, hear God, read God. We develop a spiritual relationship with God, spirit-to-spirit. Knowing the truth of God and His Word makes us free- free from care worry and stress. If the devil can steal God’s Word from us, he can steal our relationship with God and our freedom, peace, joy, rest, etc.

The passage above uses thorns to describe cares. Cares keep pricking us and hurting us when we let them take over. The purpose of cares are to steal God’s Word, to take our trust in God. They cause us to doubt that God will take care of us and the things that concern us. If we allow them, cares will conquer God’s Word and ultimately us- unless we use God’s Word to conquer cares.

The more we know and do God’s Word, the more we develop a relationship with God. No care is worth losing out on a good relationship with our heavenly Father. When we hold on to God’s Word by protecting our hearts, there is no room for cares because God fills every space with Himself over and over again. Cares cannot get in.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7 (KJV)

As we know that God cares for us, we can cast any and every care on Him, knowing He is bigger and wiser than we are. He knows how to take care of the cares we cast on Him. In casting those cares, we become fruitful for God and His kingdom.

Leave no room for cares in your heart so they won’t have the opportunity to choke out the Word and ultimately steal your relationship with God. The deeper we go in God’s Word, the deeper our relationship becomes with God. I like to say, “The deeper the root, the more the fruit.” As we abide in Christ, we will bear fruit and fruit that will remain. Guarding against cares helps us to abide in Him. How much do we want God? Our choice to study the Word will dictate how much of God we get. Studying the Word daily allows no room for cares to get in to choke out the Word. So, being in the Word will keep the Word in us, and it blocks cares from entering in. As a result, our relationship with God will grow as we grow in the Word.

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