God Is Greater Than Our Hearts

God Is Greater Than Our Hearts

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. I John 3:20 (KJV)

When our hearts feel condemned or guilty without cause, God is greater than our hearts. When we give up on ourselves or on life or on people, God knows how to help us and lift us up again. He knows how to help us overcome our weaknesses, hurts, and problems so they don’t consume and defeat us.

Condemnation is not of God. Condemnation makes you feel guilty and unworthy. It is not constructive in any way and it only brings you down. It comes from the devil. Conviction, on the other hand is from God to make us aware of sin and areas that need to improve so we can let Him help us change. Conviction is actually a blessing because it points us to God so we can grow and become more like Christ. The Holy Spirit will convict us of things that are harmful to us so we can live better, freer lives.

God knows how to touch and heal our hearts so we’ll try again, believe again, love again, and even live again. God is the God of hearts. He knows our hearts, sees our hearts, and knows the desires of our hearts and how to fulfill them.

God, who is greater than our hearts and self-condemnation, knows how to set us free and keep us free so we’re not conscious of self, sin, or failure. Instead, we become God-conscious, knowing He is greater and will do great things in us, for us, and through us.

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