Like David

And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus: Acts 13:22-23 (KJV)

There are many parallels, or similarities, between King David and the New Testament believer. Today we will look at some of them.

  1. David was a shepherd. He cared for sheep. As disciples, we are to shepherd one another and care for each other. David led, nurtured, and protected his sheep. We are to lead others to Christ and help nurture and protect them.

  2. David was a giant slayer. He depended on God to take down the giant Goliath. We are to also slay giants in the land. The giants we face are devils, evil systems, sickness, poverty, etc. We are to take them down in the name of Jesus.

  3. David was trained in what he did. As he attended the sheep, he killed a lion and bear so he was prepared to slay the giant. God will train us in every area of our lives. As we are faithful to God, we are trained to battle for our families, our church, our jobs, and everything God calls us to. As we slay what comes against us, satan, who walks about like a lion or wild beat that seeks to destroy us, will be brought down. He will not be able to stand in the way of our victory and promotion.

  4. David was anointed king three times. God will anoint us many times for the assignment He has for us. As we are anointed, we will stand and overcome until God brings us into our destiny.

  5. David was a warrior. God protected him in every battle and gave him the victory. As we fight in the spirit against powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, and evil spirits in high places, God will help us win.

  6. David was a worshipper. He was a psalmist and minstrel, and he and ministered to God. we worship God in spirit and in truth, singing our songs to God. We play our instruments to the Lord, even if it is just the instruments of our hearts, mouths, and bodies to praise and worship Him.

  7. David invited God’s presence. He built the tabernacle of David, plus he acquired building materials and created the designs for the temple that would be built by his son. We are God’s tabernacle, or temple. We now host God’s presence within us.

  8. David initiated 24-hour worship. We now worship God continually, at any time of the day, the fruit of our mouths praising and thanking God.

  9. David was king and ruled for 40 years. We are kings, and we reign in this life. This is our training period to prepare us to reign with Him forever.

  10. David had a heart after God. He was willing to fulfill what God put in his heart to do. As we have hearts for God, we will do what God puts in our hearts to fulfill. Thus, all we do will bring glory to the Lord, showing the world that God is God.

God takes the lowly, the persecuted, the forgotten, and mistreated, and He anoints them, giving them honor and a position. He uses them to fulfill His will in the earth. As we are used for the glory of God, we shall be thanking, praising, and worshipping God for who He is and what He does- just like David.

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