A Deeper Word

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Pray In Tongues, Then Interpret

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries…. Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret. I Corinthians 14:2, 13 (KJV)

These verses tell us that when we speak in tongues, we speak to God in the spirit, and we speak mysteries. It also instructs us to pray for the interpretation of what we’ve said in tongues. I’ve received many of the posts on this website by praying in tongues. I speak to God in tongues, then God speaks to me by interpretation of the tongues. The interpretation can also come in the form of teaching, songs, growth, etc. There are many ways to pray in tongues and receive the interpretation.

We can sing in tongues and even sing the interpretation. Tongues and interpretation does not have to be just spoken. Whatever can be spoken can be sung, and whatever can be sung can also be spoken. Many times I sang in tongues and then the Lord gave me a new song to sing in my native tongue. Thus, I sing in the spirit and I sing the interpretation: the new song of worship to God. God can also give the interpretation as a prophetic song.

We can pray in tongues for wisdom about something and pray for the interpretation. The interpretation can come as a word from God to give us wisdom about what to do.

We can pray in tongues over the Word for understanding and God can give the interpretation concerning what the Scripture means, thus the Holy Spirit explains the Word and leads us into all truth.

We can pray in tongues to talk to the Lord on a God-level. In other words, we can pray in tongues to hear what is being said Spirit to spirit. We can pray in tongues to know God and receive from Him. The more we pray and interpret, the more we know Him and be and do all He has for us.

Praying in tongues and interpreting gives us a supernatural advantage in every area of life so we can live a miraculous, overcoming life. Praying in tongues is beneficial and taps into the power and mind of God, but when we also interpret, it takes things to another level. And when we are in a church setting, it is appropriate to speak a message in tongues only when there is an interpretation, or else the tongues mean nothing to those around us. The exception to this is when the members are speaking in tongues at the same time as a means of self-edification and/or worship to God.

In I Corinthians 14:18, the Apostle Paul said that he prayed in tongues more than anyone, and look at the impact he made on the world- then and now! Pray in tongues and seek to interpret, and you will know God better, and your life will go in the direction God planned it to go.