Distance Yourself From Temptation

Distance Yourself From Temptation

Everyone deals with temptation of one form or another. How do we overcome it?

The only temptations that you have are the same temptations that all people have. But you can trust God. He will not let you be tempted more than you can bear. But when you are tempted, God will also give you a way to escape that temptation. Then you will be able to endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 (Easy-to-Read Version, ERV) emphasis mine

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 (NKJV) emphasis mine

Both of these verses speak of overcoming temptation. The Greek word for temptation does indeed mean temptation, but it also carries with it the idea of being enticed and examined. When we are enticed, we are drawn into something, lured into it. The verse from Matthew mentions the phrase enter into. Both verses show us there is a way into temptation and a way out of it.

Because we know that temptation is something we can enter into, then the 100% foolproof way to overcome temptation is to never enter into it. Avoiding tempting situations will keep us from caving to temptation.

Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. II Timothy 2:22 (New International Version, NIV)

Flee in this verse in the Greek means to run away. Paul is telling Timothy to run away from sin or that which would lead to sin. The best answer to temptation is to avoid it; to put as much distance between yourself and the temptation as possible.

Mature Christians aren’t necessarily the ones who can stay the longest in a tempting situation without giving in. Instead, mature Christians are those who know to avoid situations that could lead to sin.

If you are tempted to participate in fornication, intercourse outside of marriage, then stay away from any isolated location where you could be tempted to do it. If you are tempted by alcohol, avoid places where it is served. If you have friends who like to party or take part in illegal activities, find new friends. If you are tempted to gossip, stay away from other people who gossip. If you are tempted to eat unhealthy foods, don’t keep them in the house. It’s not a complex concept- stay as far away as you can from any situation or circumstance that could draw you into temptation and cause you to sin. Keep your distance from the tempting situation and you won’t be drawn in.

In Matthew 26:41, Jesus spoke very truthfully when He said that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Our intentions may be good, but our flesh will do its best to lead us astray. Avoid any place, person or thing that would entice your flesh into doing something you know to be wrong. It is much easier to keep from being tempted in the first place than it is to try to resist temptation in the heat of the moment.

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