Fasting Basics

Fasting means to abstain from something for a period of time, usually food. Occasionally people will fast both food and water, but caution must be taken, as going without water for more than three days can be harmful. Jesus fasted, setting an example for us to follow. He even instructed us to fast.

Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:16-18 (KJV)

Notice the use of the word when. It was assumed by Jesus that His followers would fast. The 58th chapter of Isaiah is the fasting chapter and shows us wrong fasting and wrong motives versus right ones. Fasting done for the right reasons brings benefits and blessings. One of the biggest is the calming of the flesh so we can better hear and commune with God. It’s like removing the cotton from your spiritual ears. Some people will fast because it cleanses, renews and refreshes the body systems, providing health benefits.

A number of fasts are listed in the Bible:

  • 1 Day Fast: A variety of people in the Bible did this.

  • 3 Day Fast: Esther and Paul are noted as doing this fast.

  • 21 Day Fast: Daniel did this.

  • 40 Day fast: Moses and Jesus did this one.

  • A partial, or modified, fast: Daniel did this one.

We can fast alone or in agreement with others. The Bible shows both types. Fasting with others releases a corporate blessing that fasting alone does not.

If you are going to abstain from food, many people find it better to drink juice and water, as it provides a better health benefit than a water only fast. And once again, do not go without water more than 3 days. Seek the Lord about the type of fast and the length.

Here are some practical ways to fast that I have personally tried myself.

  • Fast once a week for a day.

  • Fast three days in a row once per month.

  • Fast 21 days in a row annually. Some people will start their year with a 21-day fast.

  • Fast 40 days in a row- once in a lifetime.

  • Intermittent fasting, or fasting a large portion of the day and allowing yourself to eat within a small window of time each day. I have done this by fasting 16 hours and eating only within a schedulued 8 hour period each day.

  • Fast a certain meal each day.

  • Detox Fasting, which is eliminating certain foods and using a fast to remove toxins from your body. A doctor or healthcare provider can assist you in choosing the best combination of foods and liquids to help you detox.

  • Juice Fasting, or eating no solids food and drinking only juice and water.

  • Daniel Fast, which is a fast where you abstain from certain foods and drinks. Daniel allowed himself to eat only vegetables, legumes, water, juice. I have done this by eating soup (broth-based, not cream-based) and salads (no creamy dressing) without meat.

  • Fast carbs and sugars for a time.

  • Fast whatever food or beverage you crave and are addicted to. You may even have to lay something on the altar and never consume it again in order to stay free. Years ago, the Lord showed me to stop drinking coffee and carbonated drinks,. I haven’t had them since- and it has been decades.

  • You can fast a day, skip a day and fast again for a day. This makes fasting more doable for some people.

  • If there is something the Lord is dealing with you about, fast it. For example, stay away from TV, texting, shopping, social media, carbonated beverages, complaining, watching sports, etc. Often fasting will help you address something you’ve allowed to get out balance in your life.

ALWAYS spend time with God during a fast. The fast will put down the flesh and you will experience a refreshing in your prayer life and in your time spent with the Lord.


PLEASE NOTE: I am not a physicial or a health expert. This blog is not to be considered medical advice, and each person should seek the advice of a health professional before attempting a fast. Fasting is very good, but only if done properly and with wisdom.

Fasting, Health, Healing, Hearing God, Intimacy with God, Fellowship, Prayer, The Flesh, Discipline, Personal growth, Practical Help, Overcoming, Winning in Life, Victory, Bible, Christianity, Jesus

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