The One With The Answers

We all have things that we wonder about. “Am I in the right job?” “Why am I in my present situation?” “Where are You leading me?” “How can I change and improve?” “Who do you want me to be in fellowship with?” “How do I fix my finances?” “What can I do to improve my marriage?” “What car should I buy?” “Where should my kids go to school?” The questions we have in life go on and on. But God has the answers to our questions.

But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26 (New Living Translation, NLT)

How do we tap into those answers and get clear direction, wisdom, and understanding from God? The Holy Spirit is the Member of the Trinity currently here on earth with us and the One from whom the answers come. When we spend time with Him and talk His language, we get the answers we need.

Jesus Himself said that the Holy Spirit would teach us all things. He said ALL, not some or a few, but all. That means anything we need to know or understand can be learned from the Holy Spirit. When we need an answer, especially to a significant issue or concern, we must set aside time to spend with the Holy Spirit. When we come apart from the daily routine and the daily distractions and spend serious time praying in the Holy Spirit, answers will come up out of our spirit.

This is one reason the devil fights praying and speaking in tongues so much. He knows it gets answers and brings results. The enemy has spread the misconception that tongues died away with the early apostles or that people who speak in tongues are inspired by the devil- and no wonder when he knows the power it has for believers. And the enemy does everything he can to discourage spirit-filled Christians from using their heavenly language. He will bring feelings of boredom and will even try to make us feel sleepy when we pray in tongues. He will send distracting thoughts, such as reminding us of unfinished tasks we need to do. He hates it when we pray in tongues because it is powerful and because he can’t understand it.

When we pray in tongues for a considerable amount of time, we will begin to sense ideas and answers coming up out of our spirits. What is that? It is the nterpretation of what you have prayed in tongues. It is your spirit telling you the conversation you just had with the Holy Spirit as you prayed in the spirit.

So anyone who speaks in tongues should pray also for the ability to interpret what has been said. I Corinthians 14:13 (New Living Translation, NLT)

The key is being consistent and persistent, not giving up quickly as we pray. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach us, and when we pray in tongues, believing God for the interpretation, we get the answers we seek.

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