We Win Because We've Won

We Win Because We've Won

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57 (NKJV)

Christians have a distinct advantage over other people. We’re not better than they are, but we are better-positioned. Our advantage is that we’re conquerors and overcomers in every situation without having to fight a single fight. We win because we’ve already won. We’ve won because Jesus Christ fought in our place and won our victory before we were ever born. Our present and future victory has been secured by Jesus’ past victory.

No matter what comes along, we can rest assured that the outcome will work out for our good. The outcome has already been decided because the fight is already over and done with. Jesus went to hell, fought the devil, and beat him soundly. He defeated death, hell, and the grave. The enemy is under our feet because Jesus put him there.

If we need health and healing, it’s already done. If we need provision and finances, it’s already done. If we need peace and comfort, it’s already done. Regardless of the challenge, it’s already done because the fight is already won.

We don’t have to do anything but believe that Jesus has already fought our fight and gained our victory. Simple belief in His finished works is enough for us to come out on top. And the way we get faith in His finished works is to get in the Word of God.

Believe and rest. We don’t have to struggle or strain. We can take advantage of the victory that Jesus Christ won and gave to us. Jesus is our Champion. We win because we’ve won, and we’ve won because Jesus won it for us.

God Vindicated Jesus

God Vindicated Jesus

The Word Made Flesh In Us

The Word Made Flesh In Us