The Golden Age Is NOW

Today, January 20, 2025, is Inauguration Day in the United States. However, this is no normal presidential inauguration. God has brought us through some intense warfare to this day to begin what many, including His prophets, have called the Golden Age, or the Kingdom Age. Great days are ahead for this nation and the nations of the world.

Although there will still be some battles ahead and some attacks are still expected, including some very serious-looking events, the children of God have nothing to fear. We are still called to fight the enemy and use our authority, but this day marks the beginning of heaven on earth, and the end of the tyranny under which we’ve lived our entire lives. John 10:10 says it so well.

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. John 10:10 (Amplified Bible, AMP)

Take a good look at how the Amplified Bible renders abundant life: life that is in abundance, to the full, till it overflows. We’re heading into times of overflow and not lack, of blessing and not struggle. The thief has been caught and his defeat results in him giving the goods back to us seven-fold! We are entering unprecedented times. Salvations will abound as people see the evidence of God’s goodness and mercy in action. Healings will be plenteous. Finances will be more than enough to cover our needs. Supernatural acts of God will be regular events. It really will be a golden age of God’s glory all over the earth. And there is a purpose to it- to glorify God and bring as many people into God’s kingdom as we can before we are caught away to be with the Lord. THIS IS THE LONG-AWAITED ENDTIME HARVEST. And think- we’ve been given the privilege and honor to live at this amazing, God-ordained time in history! We should be celebrating so much more than the re-installing of our rightful president, although God has done it and we should be beyond grateful for it. We should be celebrating our Lord and Savior, Who has seen fit to give us this window of time to win the lost in unheard of numbers and to live a life more glorious than we ever dreamed possible.

The enemy is on the ropes, be they are not totally gone yet. They will not go without a fight, without one last effort in which they’ll throw everything they have at us to prevent this Golden Age from taking off. However, they will not win because we will continue to use our God-given authority to call down their attacks, to speak defeat to their attempts, to declare exposure to their plans, and to decree the victory of the Lord and His righteous. We’ve been releasing the Host of Almighty God to tear apart, destroy, and remove every evil structure and system, and to render complete and utter defeat to the enemy. There is war going on in the heavenlies, and it is about to be seen in the natural very shortly. But hang on and trust in God. It will soon be over- and we’ll all experience the overflowing, powerful, glory and love of God on a scale never before seen in the earth.

Glory to God for this day and for our President. Glory to God for His promises and for His plan to bring as many people to salvation as will come. Glory to God for bringing us to this amazing time in history. Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for their great rescue and for their love for every one of us. Hallelujah- the harvest is now!

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