Resolving Unrealistic Expectations
Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not. Acts 7:25 (New International Version, NIV)
Here we see that Moses thought that his own people, the Israelites, would understand that he was being used by God to deliver them, but they didn’t. He thought they would get it but his expectations were unrealistic. Even Moses was misunderstood.
We become unhappy when we expect someone to do something and they don’t- or when we try to help someone who clearly needs help and they refuse our help. Sometimes it’s best to walk away from the situation or at least wait for a better time.
We can become discouraged, disappointed, and disheartened when we expect too much from others and they don’t deliver. Here are some tips to avoid being hurt or offended due to unrealistic expectations.
Don’t be overdemanding of others or yourself.
Know your limitations and the limitations of others.
Ask yourself, “Is this the right time for this or is there a better time?”
Be clear in your communication so others know what you expect.
If you can do something yourself, then do it. If not, then get help. If someone won’t help, look elsewhere.
Give people space and time to see your point of view.
Don’t expect more from someone else than you are willing to do or give yourself.
If someone lets you down, let go and go on, knowing that God will work it out for the best for all involved.
Misunderstandings and disppointments will come. People will fall short of what we want or need from them. However, with the proper attitude, we can resolve unrealistic expectations.