Just A Number

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. I Timothy 4:12 (NKJV)

The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, If it is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31 (NKJV)

Age is just a number, and God has an assignment for you at every stage of life. No matter what season we are in, we have something of value to contribute to the Kingdom of God.We can look at many biblical examples of people who have done amazing things, some in their youth, and some in their latter years. There is no set age we have to be in order to be used of God.

If you are young, enjoy being young. Youthful exuberance and passion is needed in the Body of Christ. It is wise to listen to the wisdom of those who have some experience, but do not think that you are not important to the plans of God because you are young. You bring new insights and new zeal to the church. The church needs the young to energize and stimulate the members of the body into action. New ideas and new perspectives often come from young minds, and we can benefit from the contributions of younger believers.

Consider David, who slew Goliath in his youth. As a young man, Timothy was established as a pastor over believers older than himself, including the Apostle John who attended his church in Ephesus. Jeremiah was called at a young age, but God would not let him use that as an excuse to avoid his mission. The boy with the two loaves and fishes was used by God to feed a multitude. God loves to use young people.

Maybe you’re older and you’ve been around a while. God does not believe in retirement when it comes to your calling. Every one of us should expect to be doing something for God right up until we graduate to heaven. It may be true that your physical body is not that of a twenty-year-old, but that does not mean you have no value or purpose. There is always a need for every person. As long as we’re drawing breath, God has something for us to accomplish. Maybe we are to continue to do what we’ve been doing in our middle years. Maybe we are to transition into a season of imparting our knowledge and wisdom to others. Perhaps we are being called to move into more of a leadership role. Regardless, you do not check out of the race when you hit a certain age. We run our race until the end.

The Scriptures are full of men and women who did great things in their latter years. Noah began building an ark at age 500 and rode out the flood at age 600. Abraham had a kid at 100. Sarah gave birth somewhere around age 90. Joshua and Caleb entered the promised land when they were at least 80. The Apostle John lived to be over 100 and received the revelation of Jesus Christ when he was an old man.

Each and every believer is to be used by God to accomplish great things at every stage of their lives. As we progress through the years, we should be making progress in the things of God. As we apply ourselves to studying the Word, praying, worshiping, and growing in God, we will pass through each season of life with ease, fulfilling our destiny along the way. The grace of God enables us to do what we are called to do, no matter what our physical age may be. Refuse to believe the lie that you are not old enough or that you are too old to be used by God. Age is just a number.

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