God's Good Plan

God's Good Plan

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah prophesied this when Israel was in Babylonian captivity. From their perspective, it looked like those words would never come to pass. Wherever you are today, it may look like your life is anything but good. However, keep in mind that when bad things happen, God is still good. He still has a plan that is for your benefit. If you will trust Him and stand on His Promises, He will work good in your situation.

In the following chapter, Jeremiah 30, God promised to restore to Israel what had been lost. Because as the church, we are considered a part of spiritual Israel, we can claim those promises for ourselves. He promises us peace, security, no more fear, and the continuing presence of God. He says that those who have devoured (or tried to devour) you would themselves be devoured. He says He will restore health and heealing to us. The Lord promises that He will restore anything that was lost, and it will be better than before.

So, when bad things happen, read God’s Word and renew your mind to His promises. It will affect your attitude and give you a positive outlook. God’s promises are true, so we should act like they are. Don’t allow negative events and circumstances to poison your mind and bring bitterness to your heart.

God is working on your behalf, and any setback you experience is temporary. God will restore, and it will be as if nothing bad ever happened. God’s good plan will undo, outdo, and overdo anything that man or the devil has ever done. You can believe God’s good plan for your life.

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